User privileges (TimeMoto PC Software)

  • Naposledy aktualizováno dne 20. března 2024 v 12:39

The user privilege defines the options a user has in the software. You can set user privileges in the PC Software under [Edit] > [User]. Select a user, and click on “Edit”. Then, select the tab “System data”. Under “Privilege”, you can select a user’s privilege. Click on “Save” to save any changes made.

The software knows two different user privileges:

  • Users are regular users that you create for regular employees. Users can only access their own clockings and reports. They cannot make any changes to any data or add any new data. 
  • Supervisors are users who manage the software and device. Supervisors can add and change data in the software and device. 

We advise having at least one Supervisor. Also, before setting a Supervisor, click on “Change password” to set a password for the Supervisor. Once a Supervisor is set in the software, you will have to log in to the software the next time you start it. You can find more information about this in the following article:

How do I change my login credentials for the PC Software?

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