Overtime management (TimeMoto Cloud Plus)
- Last updated on March 26, 2024 at 8:53 AM
Overtime management enables you to manage the overtime for your users. In this article, we explain how to set-up and implement the overtime management.
How does TimeMoto Cloud define overtime?
TimeMoto Cloud counts as overtime all hours that have been worked more than specified in the schedule. It is absolutely necessary that a schedule is active and assign to the user at the given time of the overtime calculation! If a schedule is not (or not yet) active, no overtime is accumulated for the user.
Enabling Overtime
To activate the overtime management, select [Settings] > [Company settings] in your TimeMoto Cloud account. Check the “Overtime Management” box. Click on “Enable” to continue.
You can then set a start date from which the overtime is calculated. Click on “Save” to confirm the setting. The TimeMoto Cloud will now start calculating the overtime for your users. This process can take some time. After this process is complete, you will see the data in your Overtime report.
Viewing Overtime
You can view your user’s overtime under [Reports] > [Overtime]. On the left-side menu, you can set for which period you want to see the overtime, and from which users. You can also filter by location and department.
The various columns in the report provide you with information about the user’s overtime.
- Under the column “Current Period”, you can see how much overtime the user has accumulated in the period selected under “Range” in the filters.
- The column “Cumulated” shows the total amount of accumulated overtime since the start date you have set under [Settings] > [Company settings]. The “Cumulated” balance is reset every year.
- The column “Adjusted” shows the amount of overtime that has been added or removed.
- The column “Vacation” shows the amount of overtime converted into additional vacation time.
- Finally, the column “Paid” shows the amount of overtime converted into paid time.
Managing Overtime
If you want to manage a user’s overtime, click on the “Edit” button on the right-side menu.
Clicking the “Edit” button will allow you to edit information from which you can manage the user’s overtime.
Under “Date”, you can select on which date you want to make the change to the overtime. The overtime will be changed on that date, and will also show in the user’s Timesheet report on that date.
“Conversion Mode” allows you to select what you want to do with the overtime. There are four different conversion modes:
- Convert: convert overtime into additional vacation
- Payout: remove overtime to consider it paid
- Add: add additional overtime to the user’s total overtime
- Delete: remove overtime from the user’s total overtime
Selecting a conversion mode will also enter a short description under “Note”. If you want to, you can adjust this description. This description will also show up in the user’s Timesheet report.
Finally, you enter the number of hours to be converted under “Amount (hrs)”. The user’s overtime will be modified by the entered amount.
Click on “Next” to continue. You will then see a summary of your actions, with a chance to click “Back” to make changes. If you want to confirm your changes, click on “Save”.
You can see the overtime adjustments on the user’s Timesheet under [Reports] > [Timesheet]. Here you can see the overtime adjustments under the column “Overtime Adjustments”. Clicking on a day will also show you the overtime adjustments made, including any remark you have added to the adjustment.
When you export the Timesheet report as a PDF, you see all overtime adjustments made in the period of the report at the bottom of the PDF report. This shows you on which date the adjustment was made, the number of hours adjusted, the type of adjustment, and which Manager / Supervisor has made the adjustment.