Validation types (TimeMoto Cloud)
- Last updated on March 26, 2024 at 9:48 AM
What does the validation do?
The validation helps you assess whether user clocking actions are valid or not.
The use of the validation is optional.
Once the validation is enabled, exclamation marks will pop up next to invalid clocking actions.
After the clocking actions are corrected, the exclamation mark will disappear.
How to set the validation
There are two possible options to set the validation:
1 – Day Independent (“day agnostic”): With this setting, each clocking action is validated against the previous and the subsequent clocking actions, independent whether the clocking actions occurred on the same day. A clocking action is invalid if it does not follow the correct clocking sequence.
2 – Day Dependent (“day aware”): The validation will only check clocking actions occurring within the limits of the same day (12:00 AM till 11:59PM [US] // 00:00 till 23:59 [EU]). A clocking action is considered invalid if it does not occur within the same day.
Validation scope
The validation can be set for the whole company in your account under [Settings] (1) > [Validation] (2). You can select the validation in the drop-down menu (3).
If you require more information, hover with your cursor over the "?"-symbol next to the dropdown menu.
Validation per work schedule
If you have defined a work schedule, you can also set a validation exclusively for clocking actions of users who have been assigned to that particular work schedule. The settings of the validation in a work schedule ([Planner] (1) > [Schedules] (2) > edit or create work schedule) overrides the ones defined under the general settings. Under [Work Time] (3), you can select a validator type under [Validator type] in the drop-down menu (4).
Changing the validation
Changing the validation settings will only affect the clocking action performed after the change. If you need to change the validation status of actions performed before the change, please contact us.