Resetting Your TimeMoto Clock

  • Last updated on March 5, 2024 at 8:53 AM

Sometimes, you will want to reset your time clock. This you can do in its menu and requires just a few steps.

When resetting your clock, you will only reset configurations. This includes the following settings:

  • General configuration of the time clock. This resets the system to its basic setting, requiring you to configure it again through the First Time Setup.
  • Network connection settings
  • Personalised settings like system language and sound volume

Resetting your time clock will not remove any employee data and/or attendance logs! Read this article to find out how to delete data from your time clock.

In order to perform a reset, press on [Menu]. If one of your employees has the Supervisor Privilege, you will see “Identify” on the system’s screen. Identify yourself as a Supervisor to open the system. You can find more information on this in this article.

Once you are in the menu, use the arrow buttons to select [System Settings] and press [OK]. Then, select [Reset] and press [OK] again. The system will show a notification asking you to confirm the reset action. Press [OK] once again to confirm. The clock will now restart.

Once the system is restarted, you will see that it shows the “Welcome” screen. The time clock is now fully reset.

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