Work schedules (TimeMoto Cloud)

  • Ultimo aggiornamento il 26 marzo 2024 alle ore 06:39

The TimeMoto Cloud offers various options for creating work schedules. With a work schedule, you can define an employee's scheduled work time on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.

You can see an overview of your work schedules via [Planner] > [Schedules]. If you have not yet created a work schedule, this overview will be empty. If you have already created work schedules, you will see a list of them here.

Click on the plus (+) sign at the top of the page to create a new work schedule. If you want to edit an existing work schedule, click on the schedule name.

Once you have opened a work schedule, you see the available options on the left-hand side. These options allow you to switch between the available views for setting scheduled work time and breaks. If your work schedule uses the rounding style "Simplified", you will also see the option "Roundings" here.

On the right-hand side, you can see the data you have already entered. If you have selected "Work Time", you can set the scheduled work time here. You can define scheduled work time per day, week, or per month.

When you select "Breaks", you can define the various breaks for this work schedule. 

When using a work schedule with the "Simplified" rounding style, you can select "Roundings" on the left-hand side. Roundings can be used to automatically round clock times. 

Work Time

You can select work time to appear per hour or per day.

Per hour

If you set the work time to appear in "Hours", you can define a certain amount of hours per day, week, or month for your work schedule. It does not matter when the user clocks in or out.

Furthermore, if you set Hours per Week/Month, you can define how many hours per day are reimbursed in case of a paid absence (sick leave, vacation). (TimeMoto Cloud Plus)

Per day

If you set the work time to appear in "Days" you can set start and end times for a user per day of the week.


Depending on the type of working time you have selected, there are two types of breaks to choose from in the "Breaks" menu.

Breaks When Work Time Is Set In "Hours"

If your work schedule time is set in "Hours", you can define a predefined amount of time the system should deduct as a break when the user has worked a certain amount of time. You can set as many of these automatic breaks as you require.

Example: You add a break that will deduct 30 minutes of break time after the user has worked at least 6 hours. The user clocks in at 8:00 and clocks out at 17:00. This means the user has logged 9 hours, which is more than 6. The system then deducts 30 minutes of break time, resulting in 8:30 hours of worked time.

Important: When using the automatic break option within a work schedule, employees should not use the break functions on the TM device to clock in/out of their breaks. If employees do use the break function on the unit, it will interrupt the worked time resulting in the automatic break function being deducted incorrectly.

Breaks When Work Time Is Set In "Days"

If your work schedule time is set in "Days", you can set breaks within specific time-frames. You can implement one of the options below:

Break Options:

  • Implicit Break: This break type will automatically deduct the time specified for their break from the user's worked time. The user does not have to physically clock for their breaks on the unit.
  • Excluded Break: This break type is used for break time that is excluded from the work time. This is not automatically deducted therefore the user has to physically for clock their breaks on the unit.
  • Included Break: This break type is used if the break is included within the work time. This is for information purposes only and has no impact on the total scheduled working time for the day. The user will still need to physically clock for their breaks at the unit.


If your work schedule uses the "Simplified" rounding style, you are able to define roundings under the "Roundings" option.

You can set the system to round all clock-in times and clock-out times or set a general rule for all clockings to round in a certain direction or by a certain value.

Rounding options:

  • Next: The clock time will be rounded forward to the next set interval. For example, you can set all clock-in times to be rounded to the next 15 minutes. If a user clocks in at 9:01, that clock time will be rounded to 9:15. 
  • Previous: The clock time will be rounded backwards to the previous set interval. For example, you can set all clock-out times to be rounded to the previous 15 minutes. If a user clocks out at 17:05, that clock time will be rounded to 17:00.
  • Closest: The clock time will be rounded to the closest set interval. For example, you set all clock times to be rounded to the closest 15 minutes. If a user clocks in at 9:07, this will be rounded to 9:00. If they clock in at 9:08, however, their clock time will be rounded to 9:15. 

Important: Roundings will only apply to the data shown in [Report] > [Timesheet] or [Summary]. You can still see the actual, real clock time in [Report] > [Events].

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