Pay classes (TimeMoto PC Software)

  • Ultimo aggiornamento il 21 marzo 2024 alle ore 10:49

Pay classes allow you to define a basic pay rate per user or group of users, and apply rules that modify this basic rate. You will be able to generate a report and display the number of hours linked to each pay rate.

The Pay Class module has been designed to be as flexible as possible and still remain simple to use.

Each Pay Class has a name and description and is linked to a basic pay rate. For every Pay Class, you will define a set of rules that will modify the pay rate according to the worked hours. Each rule of the Pay Class will be triggered when one or more conditions are met.

The screen is divided into two sections. On the top, you will see the list of existing pay classes, their base rate, and possible descriptions.

The bottom part of the screen displays the details of the selected pay class. On the left side of the bottom screen (1), you can see and edit the basic information of the pay class. In the middle (2) is displayed the list of all rules applied to this pay class. Finally, on the right (3) are displayed the details of any selected rule. Rule details (3):

For each rule, you will be able to see/edit the rule name, the multiplying factor, any eventual remark, and a list of conditions.

There are nine different types of conditions: 

  • After X hours per day: the rule will be triggered after a certain number of worked hours per day.
  • After X hours per week: the rule will be triggered after a certain number of worked hours per week.
  • After X hours per month: the rule will be triggered after a certain number of worked hours per month.
  • After X consecutive days: the rule will be triggered after a certain number of consecutive worked days.
  • After a specific time: the rule will be triggered after a given time.
  • Before a specific time: the rule is triggered when someone works before a given time.
  • During bank holidays: the rule is triggered when a day has been marked as a bank holiday (see work codes and planning).
  • On specific day(s): the rule is triggered on one or more specific weekday(s).
  • When using work code: the rule is triggered when an employee uses a given work code.

When using more than one condition for one rule, all conditions have to be matched for the rule to be triggered. If the conditions to trigger more than one rule are met, the rule with the highest factor will prevail.

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