User privileges (TimeMoto Cloud)

  • Last updated on March 25, 2024 at 10:35 AM

In the TimeMoto Cloud, there are three different types of user privileges:

  • Supervisor
  • Manager
  • User

Supervisors and Managers can also be set to read-only. This will allow them only to see the data of users but will be unable to edit them.

The privileges of a user can be set within the user's profile under [Settings] > [Users]. You can set them under the "Company" tab.


The Supervisor is the highest user privilege in the Cloud. Supervisors can manage and see all data on the Cloud. Typically, the person assigned as the Supervisor, will be the primary contact for the subscription of the TimeMoto Cloud.

Supervisors can be set as read-only. A read-only Supervisor can see all user data, work schedules, planning etc, but will not be allowed to edit anything.

In order to set someone as a Supervisor, they will need to have a valid e-mail address entered within their profile. This will be the e-mail address that they will use to log into This can be entered via the "General" tab:

You can also allow a Supervisor access to the TimeMoto app by ticking “Mobile Clocking” via the "Authorization" tab:

Once you have finished setting up the Supervisor, click "Save". The Supervisor will be transferred to the TM device automatically. The Supervisor will also receive an activation e-mail, including a link to set up their password to log in to the TimeMoto Cloud.

Important: Read-only supervisors can still access the TM device menu.


Managers will have similar privileges to Supervisors but are restricted to seeing the data of their assigned departments and/or locations as opposed to the entire database.

Managers can be set as read-only. A read-only Manager can see all user data, work schedules, planning, etc, for their assigned departments/locations but will not be allowed to edit anything:

Managers will be assigned to departments and/or locations. The following combinations are possible:

Managing Locations Only

The Manager is assigned to oversee the users within a particular location, regardless of their department.

Managing Locations & Departments

The Manager is assigned to oversee the users within a selected location and/or department. 

No Assigned Department & Location

The Manager is assigned to oversee all users regardless of location and department.

In order to set someone as a Manager, they will need to have a valid e-mail address entered within their profile. This will be the e-mail address that they will use to log into This can be entered via the "General" tab:

You can also allow a Supervisor access to the TimeMoto app by ticking “Mobile Clocking” via the "Authorization" tab:

Once you have finished setting up the Manager, click "Save". The Manager will be transferred to the TM device automatically. The Manager will also receive an activation e-mail, including a link to set up their password to log in to the TimeMoto Cloud. 


Standard employees, who will have no management privileges, will be assigned as users within your Cloud account. Users can clock in and out on TimeMoto devices. By default, users cannot log in to or clock through the TimeMoto app or online timer.

  • If you want to allow the User to log in to, tick the box next to "" on the "Authorization" tab. Important: In order to tick this box, you need to add an e-mail address for this User via the "General" tab. 
  • If you want to allow the User to use the TimeMoto mobile app, tick the box next to "Mobile Clocking" on the "Authorization" tab. Important: In order to be able to tick this box, you need to have also ticked the box next to "". 

Once you have finished setting up the User, click "Save". The User will be transferred to the TM device automatically. If you have given the User permission to access and/or the mobile app they will also receive an activation e-mail, including a link to set up their password to log in to the TimeMoto Cloud.

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