Grant your employees access to TimeMoto Cloud

  • Last updated on March 26, 2024 at 7:24 AM

You can grant your employees access to the TimeMoto Cloud website in order to view their own clocking data. Providing them with read-only access allows them to only view their own data without being able to change it. They will have no access to any other user data.

Go to [Settings] > [Users] to visit the user section and select the employee you wish to grant access to the TimeMoto Cloud website.

Go to [General] on the left-hand menu and enter a valid e-mail address for the employee that you want to grant access. After completion the employee will receive an activation email.

After entering the email address, go to the [Authorization] tab on the left and tick the [] box.

Next, save your changes by pressing the [Save] button. The employee will receive an activation e-mail to confirm their account and will be prompted to create a password.

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